Recently, we have the privilege to be invited to many industrial talks to share our insights on topics such as “A Stronger Malaysian Ecosystem”. On the past 27th and 28th of September, FILPAL is once again invited to give a talk on “ What you don’t know about 5G, challenges and opportunities “ in Penang Skill Development Center (PSDC). Our friendship with PSDC goes back a long way. Since IMESS 2016, we as a company has become closely affiliated with PSDC.
MOU For Industrial Training
And recently, we are looking to take our friendship and partnership to a new level. This is because we are looking to venture into the field of RF and Microwave Industrial training. We believe in order for a strong RF and Microwave ecosystem to grow in the region, certified trainings to equip the many workers in the industry is pivotal. This is even more when 5G and Industry 4.0 is pushing many into developing skills related to RF and Microwave in order not to be left behind.
As a RF and Microwave design company, we are able to provide the necessary training. PSDC on the other hand is able to provide ready facilities and labs for such ventures. Naturally we are both excited and eager to work together to make something happen. During this Innovation Conference, FILPAL officially signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with PSDC, affirming our decision to partner together in coming out with a RF and Microwave “Industrial Ready” Training Program. There is definitely much to look forward to in the coming months!
5G Talk
But of course the main highlight of the Innovation Conference is the talks. With 24 speakers, 22 talks and 120 delegates, PSDC Innovation Conference’s theme for this year is T.H.I.N.K 4 Sustainability. Tfor Transformative, H for High-Technology, I for Innovation, N for Nifty, and K for Knowledge-Workforce. Many prominent members of the Penang Electronic Industry are present such as Keysight, DELL, BOSCH, Western Digital and many more.
The talk was a great opportunity for us to share ideas and solutions we can use to achieve 5G implementation in Malaysia. With the recent progress in Digital National Berhad (DNB) getting many telco operators together for the 5G infrastructure, they have make know a roadmap to a 80% 5G coverage in the nation by 2024. This aggressive timeline means innovative solutions are needed to enable quick rollout in 5G infrastructure and coverage in Malaysia.
Looking Forward
The company is definitely position in a place to be a contributor in the growth of the RF and Microwave industry in Malaysia, be it through providing industrial trainings, or offering innovative solutions to the industry, FILPAL has many more miles to go and its all exciting!
Originally published at on October 2, 2022.